Mar 9, 2021 | Press Room
We expect women to fill the gaps when systems fail Like many of you, I am relieved and thrilled to see vaccines against Covid-19 rolling out across the country. It will take a few more months, but every day is a step closer to normal life for millions. It will take...
Mar 9, 2021 | Press Room
We expect women to fill the gaps when systems fail Like many of you, I am relieved and thrilled to see vaccines against COVID-19 rolling out across the country. It will take a few more months, but every day is a step closer to normal life for millions. It will take...
Mar 9, 2021 | Press Room
The team behind the documentary hopes to premiere the film in Fall of 2021. The upcoming documentary “Still Working 9 to 5” has released a new feature, celebrating International Women’s Day. The clip includes words from original film cast members...
Mar 2, 2021 | Press Room
A documentary about Moreno recently premiered at Sundance Film Festival. In a new exclusive clip from “Still Working 9 to 5,” EGOT legend Rita Moreno reflects on the women’s movement that followed and preceded the production of the 1980 film “9...
Mar 1, 2021 | Press Room
Janney played Violet Newstead, the character played in the 1980 film by Lily Tomlin, in the 2009 Broadway musical adaptation of the classic film. In a new, exclusive clip from the upcoming documentary “Still Working 9 to 5,” original Broadway cast member...